Team-building & Discussions
Serenity offers moderated discussions for both intact and non-intact teams that fosters understanding, togetherness, inclusivity, and belonging.

Healing Circles
Derived from practices of Native Americans, First Nations, and indigenous people, Healing Circles foster relationships, honors voices, and creates unity. The process is, at its essence, a story sharing process, which brings people together to have open exchanges about difficult issues or painful experiences in an atmosphere of respect and caring for everyone. The deepest work of a healing circle is to allow each person to be fully and completely themselves. Being fully seen and listened to in a circle has the potential to heal deep hurts. Healing circles create an environment for affinity groups that values sharing; emphasizes connectedness among people; and fosters well-being. Confidentiality is key, to ensure openness and emotional safety.
Allyship in Action
Allies play a critical role in amplifying marginalized voices by offering support and creating more inclusive environments for those communities. Allyship is critical to fostering an inclusive workplace culture and can be described as a strategic mechanism used by individuals to become collaborators, accomplices, and coconspirators who fight injustice and promote equity in the workplace. They inspire others to act as change agents -- creating a culture of acceptance and support. Allyship sessions provide a common ground for allies (or those who have a desire to become allies), to understand the concepts of allyship, racial trauma, and anti-racism; learn about ways to support marginalized colleagues; and foster a safe space and conversations around allyship.

Safe Space Conversations
Social injustice and racial inequalities can have a lasting negative impact on everyone, despite our ethnic or racial background. Acknowledging the fear, anxiety, and grief that people are holding in a purposeful and intentional manner can help alleviate and reduce the impact of these emotions. Safe Space Conversations provide a safe environment where all employees can feel comfortable expressing their emotions and perspectives with their colleagues with kindness, empathy, and compassion. The purpose of these conversations is to create unity and a sense of acceptance and understanding. Providing a safe space to discuss injustice and inequality helps create a culture of psychological safety in which the idea of self-expression is normalized.